St. Bonaventure University

Adults Only, Please

If you are one of the students fortunate enough to live in Oxford next summer, the university and the directors will expect you to conduct yourself as a responsible adult and will treat you accordingly. They will not babysit you. They will not monitor you. Unless you give them a reason to think otherwise, they will consider you to be ladies and gentlemen fully capable of making your own decisions and taking care of yourself.

The drinking age in England is 18. Pubs are everywhere. English beer is stronger than American beer. Nonetheless, do NOT enroll in the Oxford Program if it is your plan to go to England to drink. If that’s your plan, please stay in Allegany and go to the Burton. Anyone who abuses alcohol during the Oxford Program will be disciplined, and who wants to go to England to be disciplined?

The same assumption of responsibility will apply to your academic work. You will be expected to handle much of your learning on your own, working with your student colleagues in “learning communities.” 

In short, living in England and participating in the St. Bonaventure Oxford Program is for adults only. 
The Oxford campus from above